Reminder to all families that Friday, August 18 is an early release day for students and school is over at 1PM for the day. Buses will be running early and pick up will run as normal. If you have any questions, please contact your child's building on checkout procedures at the end of the day. Thank you and have a great rest of your week.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
Tomorrow is the first day of school for Hagerman students. Busing will be running, meals being cooked and students and teachers working together for a good year. Please contact your student's buildings with questions, as the bus routes for pick will be running earlier than last year for secondary students. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow on our first day of the new year.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
NMAA mandatory sports meeting. Monday August 14, 6:00 pm in the HS gym.
over 1 year ago, Andrew Rodriguez
Mandatory Meeting for all parents and athletes for all sports. See you there! 🏀🏈🏐👟📣
The new school calendar is posted on the website for your access. First day for students is August 10 which is just around the corner. More information from the buildings will be coming soon on opening activities and supply lists. See everyone soon.
over 1 year ago, Hagerman Municipal Schools
The Board approved the new calendar for SY23-24 at the July 13 Board meeting with August 10 being the first day with students. The new calendar will be posted on the website Monday with the new changes. October 9 will now be a student day with instruction. If you have any questions, reach out to your child's building administrator or email Mr. Clough,
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
PUBLIC NOTICE-WORK SEESION/REGULAR MEETING: The Hagerman Board of Education will be meeting on Thursday , July 13, 2023 in the Board Room in Hagerman Middle School at 5:30PM for a work session and immediately followed by the regular board meeting at the conclusion of the work session. Agenda is posted on the district website under DOCUMENTS in the BOARD AGENDA folder as well as posted at the Town Hall, Post Office and District Office.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
On Thursday, July 13, 2023, the Hagerman Board of Education will be acting on an amendment to the School Calendar for SY23-24 that will change the start date to August 10 for students and make October 9 a Student Attendance day. If approved, notice will be sent out via the Webpage, App and Notifications of the change with the new calendar being posted on the Webpage. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Central Office during normal business hours or email
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
PUBLIC NOTICE:-WORK SESSION: The Hagerman Board of Education will be meeting on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 in the Board Room in Hagerman Municipal School. at 5:30PM. Agenda is posted on the district website under DOCUMENTS in the BOARD AGENDA folder as well as posted at the Town Hall, Post Office, District Office and each building.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
PUBLIC NOTICE-SPECIAL MEETING: The Hagerman Board of Education will be meeting on Monday, June 12, 2023 in the Board Room in Hagerman Municipal School at 6:00PM. Agenda is posted on the district website under DOCUMENTS in the BOARD AGENDA folder as well as posted at the Town Hall, Post Office, District Office and each building.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
On Friday, May 26, Hagerman Municipal Schools will be celebrating its last day of school for this year. A reminder to parents is that the buses will be running at 12:00PM and campus will be closed at 1:00PM. Please make sure your arrangements for transportation and childcare are made for the early dismissal so all can get a jump start into summer. Everybody have a safe and productive last week of school.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
The lockdown drill is complete and the campus is all clear. The schools will resume their normal activities now. Thank you for your understanding.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
Hagerman Schools is practicing their lockdown drill this morning. No event is occurring at the school grounds and an all clear will be posted once the drill is done. Thanks for your understanding for the situation.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
Reminder: Today at 1:30PM, rescue vehicles will be at Hagerman Schools and helicopter will be landing around 1:30PM. No event is happening at the school, but a public service by our first responders so our students get a first hand look at the equipment and future possibilities for their career.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
As part of our ongoing efforts to foster a strong sense of community, we have organized a visit from some of our community helpers. On Wednesday May 17th we will have emergency vehicles present for our students to see and explore. Police cars, fire trucks, and even a helicopter will be present. This event will take place on the school campus. We wanted to make everyone aware of this event so as to not alarm anyone with the presents of these vehicles and emergency staff. Thank you for your support.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
ATTENTION COMMUNITY: Weather permitting, a fireworks celebration will go on after the graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 20 around 8:15PM. We wanted to inform the community so they are aware so animals can be cared for as well as not be surprised with first responders being there for the safety of the event. Thank you for understanding in this matter as we send off our Class of 2023 for the last time from Hagerman High School. Congratulations to our Seniors on this outstanding accomplishment!
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Hagerman Board of Education will be meeting on Monday, May 15, 2023 in the Board Room in Hagerman Municipal School. Agenda is posted on the district website under DOCUMENTS in the BOARD AGENDA folder as well as posted at the Town Hall, Post Office, District Office and each building.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
Attention Community: The threat hoax from today has been resolved. Superintendents have just been informed that an 18 year old student in Florida is in custody. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter as we all work to keep your children safe.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough
More information on the threat has come to the attention of Superintendents across the state and the FBI and NM State Police have confirmed the the origin of the threat is NOT in the state of New Mexico. The District will still monitor the situation and keep all abreast of any changes to the situation. You will see increased police presence across the area and the state to be vigilant, but no known threat is active today. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the situation.
over 1 year ago, Hagerman Municipal Schools
The District has become aware of a Snapchat image that is circulating through the Valley about a possible threat to schools. The image originated out of Roswell and Roswell PD has been contacted (and confirmed) that the image is about a possible threat to a grocery store and GHS. Local PD have been contacted as well to monitor the situation. No current threat exists and the situation is being monitored closely. If any additional information becomes available, the District will be sharing if there is a change. Thank you for your understanding in this situation.
over 1 year ago, Hagerman Municipal Schools
Attention Community: The drill for today is complete and has been cleared. Thank you for your understanding as we perform these drills.
over 1 year ago, Curtis Clough