Becoming a Bobcat graphic with a cat scratch

Hagerman Municipal Schools provides teachers and related staff opportunities to work in a small, rural school district with a diverse group of co-workers, students, parents and community members.

Visit our online job postings at New Mexico REAP. The Hagerman Municipal School District follows Federal and New Mexico Public Education requirements when hiring staff.

If you are interested in applying for any positions, please complete the employment application found on the REAP site. Hagerman Municipal Schools does not accept applications except for those listed on the REAP site.

Information about licensure in New Mexico can be found at the Public Education Department licensure division.

The Hagerman Municipal School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on basis of race, national origin, religion, age, sex, marital status, or handicap in compliance with Federal and State laws. The Hagerman Municipal School District reserves the right to reject any and all applications.

Positions Available

Hagerman School Logo withe the bob cat

If you have an questions about non certified positions please contact the HR department.

Carmen Ruiz

Phone: 575 752-3254
